Kosokun (公相君) also called Kushanku, is a kata from Shuri-te system. There are different versions of this kata which practices in Shitoryu Karate: Kosokun –Sho, Kosokun-Dai, Shiho-Kosokun and a version of Master Yara from village of Chatan (Called Chatan Yara Kushanku). The name Kosokun refers to a person by the name of Kūsankū, a Chinese diplomat from Fukien who is believed to have traveled to Okinawa to teach his system of fighting. Kosokun-Sho is a smaller and advanced version of Kosokun-Dai. Master Anko Itosu is believed to have been responsible for creating Sho version. He used Kosukun-Dai as a model for the newer Kosokun-Sho.