Shitoryu Karate Canada presentsTechnical SeminarSunday August 1st , 2021Exclusively for the members of Dojo Seienchin Elite Athletes Conducted by A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi
Shitoryu Karate Canada presentsTechnical SeminarSunday August 1st , 2021Exclusively for the members of Dojo Seienchin Elite Athletes Conducted by A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi
Morote Zuki in Zenkutsu Dachi, one hand punching Jodan Gyaku Zuki and other hand punching Ura Zuki. Both fists are in one line and Jodan Zuki is leveled with your forehead. Morote Zuki appears in Katas like Bassai Dai, Itosu … Continue reading
Renzoku Kihon – Kicking on the spot with same leg Executing three kicks on the spot with same leg. A good exercise for balance and strengthening the supporting leg. Start with Migi Moto Dachi, Chudan Kamae and kicking with the … Continue reading
Renzoku Ido Kihon, Moving Combination Basic Techniques with forward Hineri Ashi Start with Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi doing Hidari Gedan Barai, stepping forward and landing on right Zenkutsu Dachi (or Han-Zenkutsu Dachi) execute Jodan Oi Zuki followed by Chudan Gyaku Zuki, … Continue reading
Renzoku Ido Kihon, Moving Combination Basic Techniques with backward Hineri Ashi Start with Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi doing Hidari Gedan Barai, stepping forward and landing on right Zenkutsu Dachi (or Han-Zenkutsu Dachi) execute Jodan Oi Zuki followed by Chudan Gyaku Zuki, … Continue reading
Renzoku KihonStart doing Migi Chudan Yoko Uke in Left Moto Dachi, then Shift forward your left foot to Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi and execute Hidari Jodan Maete Zuki, then Shift your left foot back to Hidari Moto Dachido Hidari Chudan Uchi … Continue reading
Block & Punch Combination ( Chudan Yoko Uke, Chudan Gyaku Zuki “Middle Reverse Punch” ) Stand on Left Zenkutsu Dachi, Block with your left arm “Chudan Yoko Uke” then do Chudan Gyaku Zuki “Middle Riverse Punch” with your right hand. … Continue reading
Keitai no Hoji = Using each technique in its proper place
Certainly the mawashi geri (round kick or round-house kick) is a difficult kick and many karate-ka do it rather poorly. You can perform and practice Mawashi Geri from any stance. Bring the knee of the kicking leg up to side … Continue reading
Chudan Shuto Uke = Middle Knife Hand Block, proper body, arms, hands and thumb positioning. From the book “Dynamic Shitoryu Karate” by A. Tanzadeh http://dynamicshitoryukarate.com/
Shitoryu Karate Renzoku Kihon = Combination Basic Techniques Do left Chudan Shuto Uke on left Neko Ashi Dachi then kick with your front leg “left Chudan Mae Geri” then land your kicking leg forward on Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi, do right … Continue reading