Official Webpage of A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi 糸東会

Renzoku Kihon – Kicking on the spot with same leg

Renzoku Kihon – Kicking on the spot with same leg

Executing three kicks on the spot with same leg. A good exercise for balance and strengthening the supporting leg. Start with Migi Moto Dachi, Chudan Kamae and kicking with the left leg. 1. Front kick (Mae Geri), 2. Side kick (Yoko Geri), 3. Round house kick (Mawashi Geri) .

Throughout this kicking combination, try not to let your arms wave around as you kick. Keep the kicks flowing and don’t put your leg on the floor until you finish all three kicks. Push the hips into the kick, rather than just using the leg.

Practice slowly first, then once you are confident in the combination, you can practice at full speed and power.