Matsumora ha Rohai «Vision of a Heron» «Kosaku Matsumora version»
The name translates approximately to “vision of a Crane” or “vision of a
Heron”. This kata was originated from the Tomari-te school of
Okinawan martial arts. It was called Matsumora Ha Rohai after Kosaku
Matsumora who was presumably its inventor. Anko Itosu later took this
kata and developed three katas from this kata: Rohai Shodan, Rohai
Nidan, and Rohai Sandan.
It is a short kata but is very elegant looking. One of the
characteristic features in this kata is Sagi Ashi Dachi and it is
required to be done in well balanced posture, also there are
characteristics such as Kagi zuki after the Maki Komi and throwing
The number of movements are thirty-three, and the time required is about one minute. This kata is practiced and learned around first kyu (brown belt) level.