Official Webpage of A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi 糸東会

Meoto-de (or Meoto-te 夫婦手)

Meoto-de (or Meoto-te 夫婦手) is a concept that refers to the coordinated use of both hands in action simultaneously (Dōji 同時). The term “Meoto” (夫婦) means “husband and wife,” symbolizing a complementary relationship, much like how a married couple works together in harmony.

In karate, this means that one hand typically performs an offensive movement (such as a punch or strike, sometimes even in combination with a kick), while the other plays a defensive or supporting role (such as blocking, pulling, or controlling the opponent). Unlike standard techniques where the hands often function independently, Meoto-de 夫婦手 emphasizes simultaneous action, allowing them to work together as a unit to enhance power, balance, and overall effectiveness.