World Shitoryu Karate Federation Technical Seminar at the 1st World Shitoryu Karate Championships, Tokyo Japan 1993
World Shitoryu Karate Federation Technical Seminar at the 1st World Shitoryu Karate Championships, Tokyo Japan 1993
World Shitoryu Karate Federation Referee A. Tokyo 2000
“Speed & Agility Testing for Karate Kumite Athletes” 空手における組手選手のための速さ&敏捷性測定テスト Experiencing a new concept in Sport Karate スポーツ空手の新しい概念を経験 Designed & Developed By A. Tanzadehアレン ・タンザデ考案 The purpose of designing this Footwork Combination drills is to make a unique way of testing … Continue reading
Everyone who trains in Shitoryu karate Canada must know the dojo kun. At the end of each training session—whether it be at the dojo, after class, or after a technical Seminar. The dojo kun is repeated all together by the … Continue reading
The 18th Pan-American Shitoryu Karatedo Festival & 2nd International Open Shitoryu Press Conference on CBC News
Oyadomari no Bassai (親泊の拔塞) Kata «To breach a Fortress», version of Master Oyadomari Kokan. Although this kata belongs to Shuri-te system but modified and created by master Oyadomari Kokan of Tomari region and Tomari-te system. It is as though one … Continue reading