Sanchin – Abdominal Breathing – Core and Tanden “In Karate, Seika Tanden or using Hara is literally bracing your core or creating IAP (Interabdominal Pressure).”
Sanchin – Abdominal Breathing – Core and Tanden “In Karate, Seika Tanden or using Hara is literally bracing your core or creating IAP (Interabdominal Pressure).”
“In Karate, Seika Tanden or using Hara is literally bracing your core or creating IAP (Interabdominal Pressure).” Sanchin Kata is an isometric workout that has been passed down via the Nahate system over the ages. In Sanchin, Fukushiki Kokyu, or … Continue reading
Sanchin (三戦), meaning “three battles/conflicts/wars” is usually interpreted as the battle to unify the mind, body, and spirit; however, there are other interpretations. Sanchin is a kata of apparent Southern Chinese origin that is considered to be the core of … Continue reading