Official Webpage of A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi 糸東会


Ukete wa Uchite

Defence is Attack The best defense is a good offense

Shuren no Kokoroe

The training knowledge of the Mind and the Spirit Hitotsu- Kihon o wasureru naHitotsu- Shisei o tadashiku seyoHitotsu- Dosa wa jinsoku ni seyoHitotsu- Chikara o saidai ni hakki seyoHitotsu- Manshin suru na jishin o moteHitotsu- Renma o tayasunaHitotsu- Jibun de … Continue reading

Go shu go Gaku

Five practices of learning Hitotsu- Kokoro gamae no kotoHitotsu- Ashibumi no kotoHitotsu- Maii no kotoHitotsu- Tenshin no kotoHitotso- Henka no koto One- State of readiness. Mind readyOne- Stance. Stability comes from a strong stance and proper steps.One- Distance. Maintain the … Continue reading

Heijutsu no Sanbyo

Three weaknesses or vulnerabilities in Martial Arts hitotsu-Girohitotsu-Ketaihitotsu-Manshin One- Doubt or SkepticismOne- NegligenceOne- Egotism

Go Do Shin

Shitoryu’s Five-way spirit Hitotsu- Ishi. Shoshin wasureru nakare.Hitotsu- Do toku. Reigi otokaru nakare.Hitotsu- Htten. Doryoku okataru nakare.Hitotsu. Jo shiki. Jo shiki kakeru nakare.Hitotsu- Heiwa. Wa midasu nakare. One- Determination. Never forget the spirit of first beginning.One- Morality. Never neglect courtesy … Continue reading

Renma o Tayasuna

Renma o Tayasuna Always remain in training. From the Shitoryu’s training knowledge of the mind and spirit “Shuren no Kokoroe” By Ryuso Kenwa Mabun

Joshiki / Common Sense

Be practical and use common sense. From the Shitoryu’s Five-Way Spirit “Go Do Shin” By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni

Ishi / Determination

Never forget the spirit of first beginning. From the Shitoryu’s Five-Way Spirit “Go Do Shin” By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni

Heiwa / Peace

Keep harmony and peace in your daily living and never disturb harmony. From the Shitoryu’s Five-Way Spirit “Go Do Shin” By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni

Hatten / Development

Constantly strive to improve and grow. From the Shitoryu’s Five-Way Spirit “Go Do Shin”By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni

Dotoku / Moral Virtue

Morality. Never neglect courtesy and etiquette. From the Shitoryu’s Five-Way Spirit “Go Do Shin” By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni

Once you acquire true wisdom and knowledge in Karatedo…

“Once you acquire true wisdom and knowledge in Karatedo, it now becomes your responsibility to share it”. ~ A.Tanzadeh 空手道において一度真の知恵と知識を習得したからには、それを分かつのは今や君の責任となる A.タンザデ

Kunshi no Ken

Master Mabuni’s motto “Kunshi no Ken” which means to concentrate on cultivating one self to become a well rounded, respectful individual. The person who is able to accomplish this as well as to exercise good manners in all situations with … Continue reading

Kanreki 還暦

60th birthday is called Kanreki (還暦) in Japanese. Kanreki is a starting of a new Cycle of life. This kanji, 還 (kan) means circulate and 暦 (reki) is a calendar and we can understand it as years.

60th birthday is called Kanreki (還暦) in Japanese. Kanreki is a starting of a new Cycle of life. This kanji, 還 (kan) means circulate and 暦 (reki) is a calendar and we can understand it as years. So kanreki literary … Continue reading

Happy New Year 2020

The New Year has brought another chance for us to set things right and to open up a new chapter in our lives. On the road to success, the rule is always to look ahead. May you reach your destination … Continue reading

Karate ‘Dojo Kun’

Shitoryu Karate Canada-DojoKun

Everyone who trains in Shitoryu karate Canada must know the dojo kun. At the end of each training session—whether it be at the dojo, after class, or after a technical Seminar. The dojo kun is repeated all together by the … Continue reading

The True Meaning of Karate

Sensei Tanzadeh Shitoryu Karate 8th Dan Kyoshi

“The true meaning of Karate is respect, humility and a lifetime journey to the perfection of character”

The students don’t care how much you know until you know how much you care about them.

Master Tanzadeh Shitoryu Karatedo 8th Dan KyoshiMaster Tanzadeh Shitoryu Karatedo 8th Dan Kyoshi

Les étudiants ne se soucient pas de savoir ce que vous savez, jusqu’à ce qu’ils sachent combien vous vous souciez d’eux. 生徒達は君がどれほど気にしているか知るまで君がどれだけ知っているか気にしていない.Students don’t care what you know, until they know how much you care about them.

“Together we share our Karate’s noble values to better serve others”. ~A.Tanzadeh

Master Tanzadeh 8th Dan Shitoryu Karatedo