Official Webpage of A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi 糸東会

Shitoryu Kata

Matsukaze (松風) Kata

Matsukaze 松風 (“Wind in the Pines”). This karate kata is from Matsumora Kosaku of Tomari in Okinawa. The kata was renamed to Matsukaze from the name Wankan by Master Kenwa Mabuni. Matsukaze is considered to be an intermediate kata in Shito-ryu. It contains … Continue reading

Tomari no Bassai (泊拔塞) Kata

Tomari no Bassai  泊拔塞 (“To Breach a Fortress, Tomari-te Version” ).There are 2 main versions of Bassai kata which developed in Tomari region one developed and modified by Master Matsumora Kosaku and one by Master Oyadomari Kokan. Switching blocks and … Continue reading

Tomari no Wanshu (泊汪輯) Kata

Wanshu (ワンシュー,  汪輯) means “Wang’s Series (or Form)” and refers to the name of the diplomat Wang (1621 – 1689). Wang was the leader of a large ambassadorial mission from China sent by the Qing government in 1683 to the village of Tomari. A poet, calligrapher, diplomat, and martial … Continue reading

Kosokun Dai (公相君) Kata

Kosokun (公相君) ‘Dai’. The name Kosokun or Kusanku or Kushanku is used in Okinawan systems of karate, and refers to a person by the name of Kusanku, a Chinese diplomat from Fukien who is believed to have traveled to Okinawa to teach his system of fighting. Kosokun is a … Continue reading

Shiho Kosokun (四方公相君) Kata

Shiho Kosokun (四方公相君). The name Kosokun or Kusanku refers to a person by the name of Kusanku, a Chinese diplomat from Fukien who is believed to have traveled to Okinawa to teach his system of fighting. Kosokun is a kata … Continue reading

Ishimine no Bassai (石嶺の拔塞) Kata

Ishimine no Bassai (石嶺の拔塞) Kata «To breach a Fortress», version of Master Ishimine Peichin. This kata belongs to Shuri-te system, modified and created by master Peichin Ishimine. It is as though one was capturing an enemy castle . Forcefulness, strong … Continue reading