Official Webpage of A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi 糸東会


The Joy of the Martial Path

This poem captures the essence of Kenwa Mabuni’s discipline and the joy of dedicated training in martial arts. It speaks of letting go of everyday distractions, focusing entirely on the practice, and embracing the journey of self-improvement. The imagery of … Continue reading

Senshi (戦士) warrior

In karate and other Japanese martial arts, the term “senshi” (戦士) translates to “warrior” in English. It is a general term and not a formal rank or title within karate, like “sensei” or “Shihan” and… “Senshi” is often used to … Continue reading

Justice (義 – Gi)

Justice refers to doing what is right, standing for truth, and acting with integrity. It emphasizes moral righteousness and fairness in all actions. In karate, it means not using one’s skills for personal gain or malicious intent but for defense … Continue reading

Benevolence (仁 – Jin)

Benevolence represents compassion, kindness, and the desire to do good. In martial arts, it refers to showing empathy and care towards others, especially those who are weaker. While martial artists train in combat, they are also taught to protect and … Continue reading

Wisdom (智 – Chi)

Wisdom represents the ability to think critically, learn, and make good choices in everyday life. It’s not just knowledge but also the insight gained through experience. A martial artist must train both the body and the mind to develop wisdom … Continue reading

Trust (信 – Shin)

Trust encompasses honesty, reliability, and faith. It refers to being trustworthy and having faith in oneself and one’s path. In martial arts, trust is crucial between instructors and students, as well as among training partners. Trust builds confidence, strengthens relationships, … Continue reading

Setsu 節

The kanji 節 (pronounced setsu) has a few meanings, like “joint” or “node,” which refer to the segments in bamboo or points where things are divided.In Karate, setsu 節 connects to ideas like control, rhythm, and the key points in techniques. Karate is all about … Continue reading

Cherish the Moment—Ichi-go Ichi-e!

Cherish the Moment—Ichi-go Ichi-e!Ichi-go Ichi-e (一期一会) is a Japanese phrase often translated as “one time, one meeting” or “once in a lifetime.” It conveys the idea that each moment is unique and can never be repeated, so it should be treasured and appreciated … Continue reading

悟り (Satori) – Enlightenment

In the journey of karate, Satori—often translated as “enlightenment”—is not a sudden, magical moment of understanding but rather a gradual realization that unfolds through dedicated practice. It’s the point where mind, body, and spirit come into harmony, and movements no longer feel … Continue reading

Shisei (姿勢)

Shisei (姿勢) in karate means your posture or the way you hold yourself, but it’s more than just standing straight. It’s about being balanced, steady, and ready to move at any moment. Good posture helps you stay strong, move smoothly, and … Continue reading

Kokan (好感)

Kokan (䥽愖) in karate means having a good attitude and a spirit of goodwill, positive outlook and optimism which are very important for training. This way of thinking helps karateka practice with hope, respect, and an open mind, which creates a school … Continue reading

Shu Ha Ri (守破離) – Stages of mastery

Shu (守) – Obedience ” Conscious level” In Shu, a student focuses on following the teachings exactly as given. This stage is about respect, discipline, and memorizing the basics. Like learning a new language, it’s about mastering the fundamentals without adding … Continue reading

Makoto (誠)Sincerity, Honesty

In karate, Makoto (誠) represents sincerity, truthfulness, faithfulness and honesty. It is a key principle that inspires practitioners to approach training and relationships with honesty, dedication, and true intent. Makoto means being truthful with yourself and others, showing honor in all your … Continue reading

Discipline of Kenwa Mabuni

The poem “Forget mundane things when striving for the martial isle… paddling is joy,” written by Master Kenwa Mabuni, perfectly encapsulates the martial arts experience. Master Mabuni’s reference to “joy in paddling” highlights a special form of fulfillment—the profound contentment that results … Continue reading

Dedication, Devotion (shōjin 精進)

Shōjin (精進) in karate is all about the heart and dedication that a practitioner brings to their journey. It’s not just about showing up for training; it’s a deep commitment to improving oneself, both physically and mentally. When a karateka embraces shōjin, they … Continue reading

State of Readiness (Yoi 用意)

In karate, Yoi (用意) is all about being ready—physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s the posture and mindset a practitioner takes before beginning a technique or training, showing alertness, calm focus, and preparation. Yoi goes beyond just physical readiness; it means clearing the … Continue reading

Etiquette and Respect (Rei 礼)

One of the most important parts of martial arts is showing respect, especially through bowing. Bowing whether when you enter the dojo, greet your Sensei, or meet other practitioners is a way to show courtesy and humility. Always bow to … Continue reading

Discipline (Shitsuke 躾)

Discipline is key to sticking with training, building self-control, and staying resilient. In Japanese, 躾 (Shitsuke) reflects the idea of discipline and upbringing, especially the importance of self-discipline and good behavior. In martial arts, it highlights the value of taking responsibility for … Continue reading

Loyalty (Chūgi 忠義)

In karate, Chūgi or loyalty goes beyond just being committed; it’s about having a deep respect for your dojo, your sensei, your fellow students, and the art itself. It means honoring the values and traditions that have been passed down through the … Continue reading