Official Webpage of A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi 糸東会

Shichi ten hakki (七転八起)

The concept of Shichi ten hakki (or Nana korobi ya oki) is a Japanese proverb that translates to “fall seven times, stand up eight.” It represents resilience, perseverance, and the indomitable spirit that encourages individuals to keep moving forward despite repeated failures or setbacks.

In martial arts, particularly in Karate, Shichi ten hakki embodies the mindset of continuing to train, learn, and grow even when faced with difficulties or challenges. It reflects the importance of persistence and determination in overcoming obstacles, whether they are physical, mental, or technical. Practitioners are encouraged to never give up, to rise stronger after each fall, and to continuously seek improvement.

This proverb also extends beyond martial arts into everyday life, serving as a reminder that resilience is key to personal and spiritual development. The idea is not to focus on how many times you fail, but on your willingness and effort to rise and try again each time.

In essence, Shichi ten hakki represents the spirit of endurance and continuous self-improvement.