Happy New Year everybody, Wishing you and your family health, happiness, and prosperity in the New Year. Very soon we can all come together again, like we did before. Until then, please remember that the spirit of karatedo is the … Continue reading
Happy New Year everybody, Wishing you and your family health, happiness, and prosperity in the New Year. Very soon we can all come together again, like we did before. Until then, please remember that the spirit of karatedo is the … Continue reading
Certificate of Kumite Referee B from the World Karate Federation (WKF), November 2014.
World Shitoryu Karate Federation Certificate of Kyoshi title, 2017
Master Mabuni’s motto “Kunshi no Ken” which means to concentrate on cultivating one self to become a well rounded, respectful individual. The person who is able to accomplish this as well as to exercise good manners in all situations with … Continue reading
Karate (空手); Japanese pronunciation: [kaɾate] is a martial art developed in the Ryukyu Kingdom. It developed from the indigenous Ryukyuan martial arts (called te (手), “hand”; tii in Okinawan) under the influence of Chinese Martial Arts…
World Shitoryu Karate Federation (WSKF) Affiliation Certificate for Shitoryu Karate Canada (SKC) leading and Directing by Sensei Tanzadeh
Certificate of Kata Judge A and Referee Kumite B from Pan-American Karate Federation (PKF). September 2009
Certificate of Kumite Referee A from the Pan-American Karate Federation (PKF), August 2010
World Shitoryu Karate Federation, Kata and Technical Seminars at Tokyo Budokan, March 2019
A letter of appreciation from the World Shitoryu Karate Federation signed and authorized by Soke Kenei Mabuni and Kaicho Ken Sakio. Tokyo 2000
3rd Place in Individual Kata at the 1st World Shitoryu Karate Championships, Tokyo, Japan 1993. Signed and authorized by Kaicho Ken Sakio
Participation at the International Referee Seminar at the Asian Pacific Union of Karate-do Organizations, Jakarta, Indonesia July 1990.
Certificate of Kata Judge from the Asian Union of Karatedo Organizations (AUKO), June 1994
World Shitoryu Karate Federation Kata and Technical Seminar. Tokyo, Japan 2000
World Shitoryu Karate Fedration (WSKF), Certificate of Kata Seminar, September 2013, Tokyo, Japan
Participation at the 3rd World shitoryu Karate Championships. Tokyo 2000
World Shitoryu Karate Federation, Certificate of Renshi title. 2007
World Shitoryu Karate Federation (WSKF), Certificate of Shihan rank. 2004