All Japan Karatedo Federation Shitokai Official Newsletter, complete report on the 9th International Shitoryu Championships “Shito-Sai” , World Shitoryu Festival in Tokyo, Japan – March 2019.
All Japan Karatedo Federation Shitokai Official Newsletter, complete report on the 9th International Shitoryu Championships “Shito-Sai” , World Shitoryu Festival in Tokyo, Japan – March 2019.
A version of sanchin used in Matsumura ha Seisan. This stance is longer than Sanchin-dachi, (one foot longer) but retains the same tension and inward rotation of the knees. It is the basis of the kata Matsumura ha Seisan. Seisan-dachi … Continue reading
(Paralleled-Hourglass Stance)From Heiko Dachi stance with the width of one foot, step one length of a foot forward and make the front foot in 30 degree angle inward while the back foot is in straight line. Basically both length and … Continue reading