Official Webpage of A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi 糸東会

Shitokai Kata

Itosu no Rohai(鷺牌) Kata

Itosu no Rohai(鷺牌) Kata Rohai (鷺牌) kata originated from the Tomari-te school of Okinawan martial arts. Master Itosu later took this kata and developed three kata from it: Rohai shodan, Rohai nidan, and Rohai sandan. Itosu Rohai Shodan has different … Continue reading

Shitoryu Papuren

Shitoryu Karate Kata, Papuren Papuren (八 步 連) Kata Papuren (八 步 連) (also pronounce Happoren or Paipuren means “Eight steps at the same time”) is a kata of karate which was introduced by a White Crane Kung fu expert … Continue reading

Seisan-dachi (Seisen Stance)

A version of sanchin used in Matsumura ha Seisan. This stance is longer than Sanchin-dachi, (one foot longer) but retains the same tension and inward rotation of the knees. It is the basis of the kata Matsumura ha Seisan. Seisan-dachi … Continue reading