Everyone who trains in Shitoryu karate Canada must know the dojo kun. At the end of each training session—whether it be at the dojo, after class, or after a technical Seminar. The dojo kun is repeated all together by the students. The dojo kun states the basic philosophy of karate, the dojo kun should not only be considered a set of rules of conduct in the dojo, but a guide to everyday life. Everything we learn in the dojo, we should apply to everyday life.
- Seek Perfection of Character
- Be faithful and sincere
- Strive for a vigorous spirit
- Respect others
- Live with a positive and healthy attitude
- Refrain from violent behavior
- Seek Perfection of Character / De poursuivre le perfectionnement du caractère
- Be faithful and sincere / De défendre le chemin de la vérité
- Strive for a vigorous spirit / De produire un effort déterminé
- Respect others / D’honorer les principes de la courtoisie
- Live with a positive and healthy attitude / De vivre avec une attitude saine et positive
- Refrain from violent behaviour / De protéger contre les impulsivités
- Seek Perfection of Character – Procurar a perfeição do carácter
- e faithful and sincere – Ser fiel e sincero
- Strive for a vigorous spirit – Esforçar-se por um espírito forte
- Respect others – Respeitar os outros
- Live with a positive and healthy attitude – Viver com uma attitude positiva e sã
- Refrain from violent behaviour – Evitar comportamento violento
- Seek Perfection of Character – Busca la perfección del carácter
- Be faithful and sincere – Se fiel y sincero
- Strive for a vigorous spirit – Luchar por un espíritu fuerte
- Respect others – Respeto a los demás
- Live with a positive and healthy attitude – Vive con una actitud positiva y saludable
- Refrain from violent behaviour – Abstenerse de comportamientos violentos
Hitotsu: Jinkaku kansei ni tsutomuru koto
Hitotsu: Makoto no michi o mamoru koto
Hitotsu: Ikiwo sakanni subeki koto
Hitotsu : Reigi o omonzuru koto
Hitotsu: Maemuki katsu kenzen na taido de ikiru koto
Hitotsu: Kekki no yu o imashimuru koto
- Стремитесь к совершенствованию характера
- Будьте добросовестны и искренни
- Старайтесь быть решительными духом
- Уважайте других
- Живите с позитивным и здоровым отношением
- Воздерживайтесь от агрессивного поведения
- Të luftoni për përsosmërinë e karakterit
- Të jeni besnikë dhe i sinqertë
- Të përpiqeni për një shpirtë të fortë
- Të respektoni të tjerët
- Të jetoni me një qëndrim pozitiv dhe të shëndetshëm
- Të përmbaheni nga sjelljet e dhunshme