Official Webpage of A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi 糸東会


Annan Dai Kata Seminar


Bernardo Karate presents Annan Dai Kata Seminar coduncted by Sensei Tanzadeh, 8th Dan Kyoshi Friday February 8th, 20195:30pm to 7:30pmLondon, Ontario at Bernardo Karate Location: Bernardo KarateAddress: 1165 Oxford St. East londonContact: Sensei Michael BernardoPhone: 519-659-2504Email:

Shitoryu Kihon – Chudan Shuto Uke

Sensei-Tanzadeh-Shitoryu Karate 8th Dan-Performing-Shuto-Uke

Chudan Shuto Uke = Middle Knife Hand Block, proper body, arms, hands and thumb positioning. From the book “Dynamic Shitoryu Karate” by A. Tanzadeh

Shitoryu Karate ‘Mawashi Uke’

Master Tanzadeh Shitoryu Karatedo 8th Dan Kyoshi performing Mawashi Uke

How to do Shitoryu Karate ‘Mawashi Uke’. Performing by Kyoshi Tanzadeh.

The students don’t care how much you know until you know how much you care about them.

Master Tanzadeh Shitoryu Karatedo 8th Dan KyoshiMaster Tanzadeh Shitoryu Karatedo 8th Dan Kyoshi

Les étudiants ne se soucient pas de savoir ce que vous savez, jusqu’à ce qu’ils sachent combien vous vous souciez d’eux. 生徒達は君がどれほど気にしているか知るまで君がどれだけ知っているか気にしていない.Students don’t care what you know, until they know how much you care about them.

“Together we share our Karate’s noble values to better serve others”. ~A.Tanzadeh

Master Tanzadeh 8th Dan Shitoryu Karatedo

“Until the very end, one needs action and momentum in order to almost reach perfection”. ~A.Tanzadeh

Practice Like you’ve never WON. Perform Like you’ve never LOST.

Kyoshi Tanzadeh 8th Dan Shitoryu Karatedo

Practice Like you’ve never WON. Perform Like you’ve never LOST.~ Bernard F. Asuncion

Only when the application of constant training becomes effective, one understands the importance of improvement. ~A.Tanzadeh

Kyoshi Tanzadeh Shitoryu Karate 8th Dan

Do it with passion or not at all.

Kyoshi Tanzadeh - Do it with passion or not at all

Decide. Commit. Succeed.

Kyoshi Tanzadeh performing Morote Zuki Shitoryu Karate

Discipline of Kenwa Mabuni expressing the joy of dedicated training;

Kyoshi Tanzadeh 8th Dan-Scientific-Karate-Kenwa-Mabuni-Poem

Discipline of Kenwa Mabuni expressing the joy ofdedicated training: “Forgetting mundane things when striving for the martial isle — paddling is joy.” ~Kenwa Mabuni

“Although knowledge is power, applying knowledge is REAL POWER”.

Kyoshi Tanzadeh Quote Applying knowledge is reall power

“知識は力である、 しかし知識を応用することは真の力である” “Although knowledge is power, applying knowledge is REAL POWER”.

Shitoryu Karate Canada , Honbu Dojo Shinnenkai 2019

Shinnenkai 2019 of Kyoshi Tanzadeh Dojo in Toronto Canada

Shitoryu Karate Canada, Toronto Honbu DojoShinnenkai 2019 New Year Dojo members gatheringSaturday January 12th, 2019Location:57 Glen Cameron RoadMarkham, Ontario L3T 1P3

Zawan Dachi of Papuren Kata


Zawan-Dachi 座湾立ち (Wide- Seated Crossed Leg Stance) This stance only appears at the begining of the “Papuren” Kata. It looks like Kosa Dachi so the legs are crossed but wider. Keep your body and hip in Shomen position. Back foot … Continue reading

Chatan Yara Kushanku (北谷 屋良 ) Kata

kata Kushanku version of master Yara from Chatan village Master Yara was born in 1760 in Okinawa, in the village of Chatan. In 1772 he traveled together with his uncle in Fuzhou in Fukien province (China), where allegedly he stayed … Continue reading

Yakusoku Kumite of Heian Godan – Hokei Kumite Gohonme

Tanzadeh Shitokai - Hokei-Kumite-Gohonme

Hokei Kumite ”Yakusoku Kumite of Heian Katas”Master Mabuni was a pioneer and his thinking, years ahead of his contemporaries. His systemization of Karate was well planned and well executed and designed to make it available to general public were preserving … Continue reading

Yakusoku Kumite of Heian Yondan – Hokei Kumite Yonhonme

Tanzadeh Shitokai - Hokei-Kumite-Yonhonme

Hokei Kumite ”Yakusoku Kumite of Heian Katas”Master Mabuni was a pioneer and his thinking, years ahead of his contemporaries. His systemization of Karate was well planned and well executed and designed to make it available to general public were preserving … Continue reading

Yakusoku Kumite of Heian Sandan – Hokei Kumite Sanbonme

Tanzadeh Shitokai - Hokei-Kumite-Sanbonme

Hokei Kumite ”Yakusoku Kumite of Heian Katas”Master Mabuni was a pioneer and his thinking, years ahead of his contemporaries. His systemization of Karate was well planned and well executed and designed to make it available to general public were preserving … Continue reading

Yakusoku Kumite of Heian Nidan – Hokei Kumite Nihonme

Tanzadeh Shitokai - Hokei-Kumite-Nihonme

Hokei Kumite ”Yakusoku Kumite of Heian Katas”Master Mabuni was a pioneer and his thinking, years ahead of his contemporaries. His systemization of Karate was well planned and well executed and designed to make it available to general public were preserving … Continue reading