MABUNI SHITORYU KARATEDO PORTUGAL Presents Technical SeminarsUnsoku (footwork fundamentals) Applied Ashi Sabaki in defense and offenseExclusively for the instructors of MSK of Portugal August 29th, 2021 Conducted by A.Tanzadeh 8th Dan, Kyoshi
MABUNI SHITORYU KARATEDO PORTUGAL Presents Technical SeminarsUnsoku (footwork fundamentals) Applied Ashi Sabaki in defense and offenseExclusively for the instructors of MSK of Portugal August 29th, 2021 Conducted by A.Tanzadeh 8th Dan, Kyoshi
A.Tanzadeh born in 1960, he received his 8th Dan from the All Japan Karate-Do Federation (Shitokai) as well as the World Shitoryu Karate-Do Federation (WSKF) in 2018. Read more →
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Welcome to Kyoshi A.Tanzadeh's personal webpage. President/Founder/Technical Director of Shitoryu Karate Canada(SKC) , Secretary General of Pan-American Shitoryu Karate Do Federation(PSKF) and Vice Chairman of World Shitoryu Karate Do Federation(WSKF).
A.タンザデのパーソナル ウェブページにようこそ - 代表取締役全日本空手道連盟糸東会および世界糸東流空手道連盟(WSKF)と提携していることを誇りに思います。