Keitai no Hoji = Using each technique in its proper place
Keitai no Hoji = Using each technique in its proper place
Ura Mawashi Geri (inside roundhouse kick or hook kick)This is almost like Mawashi geri but the difference is the path which is inverted. Bring your knee up close to your body and open the knee and at the same time … Continue reading
Shitō-ryū is a combination of 4 main karate systems (Shuri-te, Naha-te, Tomari-te and Hakkaku-Ken “Crane Fist”), which attempts to unite the diverse roots of karate. On one hand, Shitō-ryū has the physical strength and long powerful stances of Shuri-te derived … Continue reading
Fundamental to the improvement of one’s karate technique is the acquisition of correct and balanced form. Stance, as a term, must be thought of with regard to the lower part of the body. For techniques to be fast and accurate, … Continue reading