World Shitoryu Karate Federation, Certificate of Renshi title. 2007
World Shitoryu Karate Federation, Certificate of Renshi title. 2007
World Shitoryu Karate Federation (WSKF), Certificate of Shihan rank. 2004
World Shitoryu Karate Federation Technical Seminar at the 1st World Shitoryu Karate Championships, Tokyo Japan 1993
World Shitoryu Karate Federation Referee A. Tokyo 2000
World Shitoryu Karate Federation 8th Dan (Hachi Dan). 2010. Authorized and signed by Soke Kenei Mabuni and Kaicho Hiroshi Murata
Certificate of instructor “Shidosha”, Jokyo level of All Japan Karate Federation Shitokai. Authorized and signed by Kaicho Manzo Iwata. 1992.
the 1st World Shitoryu Karate Championships, Tokyo 1993. Referee A. Authorized and signed by Soke Kenei Mabuni and Kaicho Manzo Iwata
60th birthday is called Kanreki (還暦) in Japanese. Kanreki is a starting of a new Cycle of life. This kanji, 還 (kan) means circulate and 暦 (reki) is a calendar and we can understand it as years. So kanreki literary … Continue reading
The 7th Shitoryu Karatedo World ChampionshipsJapan, 15-16 September 2013The 20th anniversary of World Shitoryu Karatedo Federation
Wish you good health and long life Presented to Sensei A.Tanzadeh, Technical AdvisorAsia Pacific Shitoryu Karatedo FederationbyClement De Zoysapresident Shitokai Sri Lanka 7th Shitoryu Karatedo World Championships 2013 Japan
The 17th Shitoryu Karate Pan-American ChampionshipsMiami Beach, USA 2015Presented to: Renshi Allen TanzadehThank you for your leadership and dedication to the growth and development of the Pan-American Shitoryu Karate Federation
the 5th International Shitoryu Karate Technical Seminar conducted by Sensei Tanzadeh, Gnas, AustriaOctober 2018
Appreciation and memorial from Georgia Karate Federation.29/09/2018, Tbilisi, Georgia
TestimonialA.TanzadehThank you for your great cooperation and support of “The 5th Shitoryu Karatedo World Championships.”We would like to show our deep appreciation to all your remarkable contributions.September 2006 in Tokyo signed and sealed by the World Shitoryu Karatedo FederationSoke Kenei … Continue reading
“Speed & Agility Testing for Karate Kumite Athletes” 空手における組手選手のための速さ&敏捷性測定テスト Experiencing a new concept in Sport Karate スポーツ空手の新しい概念を経験 Designed & Developed By A. Tanzadehアレン ・タンザデ考案 The purpose of designing this Footwork Combination drills is to make a unique way of testing … Continue reading
Technical Seminars in Minsk, BelarusJanuary 17th and 18th, 2020 Conducted by A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, KyoshiHosted by Shitoryu Karate Belarus, Sensei Katerina Lysenko
The New Year has brought another chance for us to set things right and to open up a new chapter in our lives. On the road to success, the rule is always to look ahead. May you reach your destination … Continue reading
Shitoryu Karate Canada presents Shitoryu Karate Canada 10 Years Anniversary CelebrationKihon, Kata, Kumite & Bunkai WorkshopsDinner PartyAwards PresentationsOctober 12th, 2019Gatineau, Quebec
‘Shitoryu Karate Technical Workshop’Friday August 16th, 2019. Conducted by Sensei TanzadehHosted by Sensei Surendra Lal Shrestha of Everest Shitoryu Karate Do.