Many congratulations on your WSKF new appointment as Vice Chairman (副理事長). We appreciate all the passion and dedication you’ve shared with the world of Shitoryu Karatedo through the years. Best wishes to you in your new position. OSS!
Many congratulations on your WSKF new appointment as Vice Chairman (副理事長). We appreciate all the passion and dedication you’ve shared with the world of Shitoryu Karatedo through the years. Best wishes to you in your new position. OSS!
“Shoshin Shogai” quoted by Master Manzo Iwata, means maintaining the purity of heart throughout life. This also can be expressed as “to learn Karate, first show your mind and heart to be honest and pure, clean and gentle and be … Continue reading
2nd Place in individual Kata at the 2nd All Saitamaken Shitokai Championships. Japan 1992.
World Shitoryu Karate Federation Certificate of Kyoshi title, 2017
World Shitoryu Karate Federation (WSKF) Affiliation Certificate for Shitoryu Karate Canada (SKC) leading and Directing by Sensei Tanzadeh
World Shitoryu Karate Federation, Kata and Technical Seminars at Tokyo Budokan, March 2019
A letter of appreciation from the World Shitoryu Karate Federation signed and authorized by Soke Kenei Mabuni and Kaicho Ken Sakio. Tokyo 2000
3rd Place in Individual Kata at the 1st World Shitoryu Karate Championships, Tokyo, Japan 1993. Signed and authorized by Kaicho Ken Sakio
World Shitoryu Karate Federation Kata and Technical Seminar. Tokyo, Japan 2000
World Shitoryu Karate Fedration (WSKF), Certificate of Kata Seminar, September 2013, Tokyo, Japan
Participation at the 3rd World shitoryu Karate Championships. Tokyo 2000
World Shitoryu Karate Federation, Certificate of Renshi title. 2007
World Shitoryu Karate Federation (WSKF), Certificate of Shihan rank. 2004
World Shitoryu Karate Federation Technical Seminar at the 1st World Shitoryu Karate Championships, Tokyo Japan 1993
World Shitoryu Karate Federation Referee A. Tokyo 2000
Certificate of instructor “Shidosha”, Jokyo level of All Japan Karate Federation Shitokai. Authorized and signed by Kaicho Manzo Iwata. 1992.