Official Webpage of A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi 糸東会

Shitokai Dominican Republic

Technical Seminars in Dominican Republic

Shitoryu Karate Technical Seminars,Sonoba Renzoku Kihon & Seipai in detailsConducted by A.Tanzadeh, Kyoshi, 8th DanExclusively for the members of Dominican Republic ShitokaiSunday, June 27th, 2021

Bassai Dai & Seisan Seminar

Domincan Repbulic Shitokai presents; Technical Seminars of Itosu Bassai Dai and Higaonna ha Seisanconducted by A. Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, KyoshiSunday March 7th, 2021Exclusively for Shitokai Dominicana members.

Dominican Republic Karate Seminar

By world and deed, your presence has enriched the technical level of the all Karate Shitokai students in our organization. Thank you Kyoshi Tanzadeh for the magnificent Shitokai Seminar Sensei Tony Riverapresident of Shitokai Dominican Republic Sensei Maria DimitrovaTechnical Director