Official Webpage of A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi 糸東会


Shitoryu Seminar in Cuba – 2019

Association of Shitoryu Karatedo Cuba presents: Technical Seminars in Havana, Cuba, August 23rd to 25th, 2019.Conducted by Sensei Tanzadeh, Kyoshi 8th DanHosted by president of association of Shitoryu Karatedo Cuba Sensei Gregorio Eduardo Valdés Arce, 7º Dan. Contact information: … Continue reading

Seisan-dachi (Seisen Stance)

A version of sanchin used in Matsumura ha Seisan. This stance is longer than Sanchin-dachi, (one foot longer) but retains the same tension and inward rotation of the knees. It is the basis of the kata Matsumura ha Seisan. Seisan-dachi … Continue reading

Heiko-Sanchin Dachi 平行三戦立ち

(Paralleled-Hourglass Stance)From Heiko Dachi stance with the width of one foot, step one length of a foot forward and make the front foot in 30 degree angle inward while the back foot is in straight line. Basically both length and … Continue reading

Katahiza-Dachi 片膝立ち

(One-Knee Stance or ‘Half Kneeling‘) The width and length of this stance is almost like Moto Dachi. In some positions in different katas, back leg knee may touch the floor also back leg and knee may get closer to the … Continue reading

Training Sanchin combined with Kaatsu method.

Kaatsu (加圧, often styled as KAATSU) is a patented exercise method developed by Dr. Yoshiaki Sato that is based on blood flow moderation exercise (or vascular occlusion moderation training) involving compression of the vasculature proximal to the exercising muscles by … Continue reading

Technical Seminars with Master Genzo Iwata, Master Shoko Sato and Master Tanzadeh – Belgium 2019

Genzo Iwata-Tanzadeh-Shoko Sato-Karate Seminar-Austria

Belgium Shitokai presents Shitoryu Karate Technical Seminars conducted by:Master Genzo Iwata, 8th Dan, Hanshi, the president of the World Shitoryu Karate Federation and All Japan Karate Federation Shitokai and Master Shoko Sato, 8th Dan, Kyoshi, the president of Pan-American Shitoryu … Continue reading

Technical Seminars with Master Shoko Sato in Austria – 2019

Tanzadeh-Shoko Sato-Karate Seminar-Austria

Austria Shitoryu Karatedo Shitokai presents The 6th Internaltional Shitoryu Karate Technical Seminars Conducted by Master Shoko Sato, 8th Dan, Kyosh and Master Allen Tanzadeh, 8th Dan Kyoshi18 to 20 of October 2019 in Austria, Gans (Jufa Sportshalle)

Technical Seminar with Master Shoko Sato in Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Tanzadeh-Shoko Sato-Karate Seminar-Atlanta

Pugarita Karatedo presents; Technical Seminars conducted by Master Shoko Sato, 8th Dan Kyoshi and Master Allen Tanzadeh, 8th Dan Kyoshi hosted by Albornoz Karate School2585 Cruze Road North WestLawrenceville, GA, USA30044

Technical Seminars in London Ontario, May 2019

Sensei Tanzadeh-Seminar-in-London-Ontario

Shitoryu Karate London & Dojo Seienchin presents; Technical Seminars conducted by Kyoshi TanzadehHosted by Sensei Veronica LugoLondon Ontario, May 11th, 2019.

Shitoryu Karate Shinzui “essentilas and Core of Shitoryu Karatedo

Master Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi karate seminars in Quebec - May 2019

Shitoryu Karate Canada Presents: Shitoryu Karatedo Shinzui “Essentials and Core of Shitoryu Karatedo“Saturday, May 18th, 2019Conducted by Sensei Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, KyoshiHosted by Shihan Claude Larouche, Technical Director of Shitoryu Karate Quebec and Co-Founder of Shitoryu Karate Canada.

Technical Seminar in Dominican Republic, April, 2019

Karate Seminar with Kyoshi Tanzadeh - Dominican Republic

Shitoryu Karate Seminars in Dominican Republic. April 6th, 2019 in Santa Domingo. Conducted by: Master Allen Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, KyoshiHosted by Asociacion Dominicana de Karatedo, Shitokai.

The True Meaning of Karate

Sensei Tanzadeh Shitoryu Karate 8th Dan Kyoshi

“The true meaning of Karate is respect, humility and a lifetime journey to the perfection of character”

Soe Ashi-Dachi 添え足


Soe Ashi-Dachi 添え足立ち (Supported Leg Stance) Both feet are parallel together and back foot is on the toes. Back leg is supporting front leg by touching inner thigh. This stance appears in Papuren Kata.

Technical Seminars in Windsor, Nova Scotia – June 2019


Shitoryu Karate Canada and Shitoryu Karate Nova Scotia presents Technical Seminars and Dan ExaminationJune 8th, 9th, 2019, Windsor, Nova ScotiaConducted by: A. Tanzadeh, Kyoshi 8th Dan hosted by: Shihan David Griffin technical director of Shitoryu Karate Nova Scotia. Location: 4404 … Continue reading

All Japan Karatedo Federation, Shitokai Examination results


The 30th All Japan Karatedo Fedration, Shitokai high ranking (6th Dan, 7th Dan and 8th Dan and Shogo) examinations results. November 3rd, 2018, Kobe, Japan.

Technical Seminars in Belgium, May 2019

Belgium Karate Seminar with Sensei Tanzadeh Shitoryu Karate 8th Dan, Kyoshi

Shitokai Belgium presents Shitoryu stage conducted by Sensei Tanzadeh, Kyoshi 8th Dan WHEN May 4th 2019: 15h-16h30 & 17h-18h30 May 5th 2019: 10h-11h30 & 12h-13h30 WHERE Centre Sportif Blocry (salle B2) Place des sports 1 1348 Louvain-La-Neuve PRICES SKB (non … Continue reading

Technical Seminars & Official Dan Examination in Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2019


Shitoryu Karate Canada presents Technical Seminars & Official Dan Examination Conducted by: Founder and Technical Director of Shitoryu Karate Canada Sensei A. Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi Hosted by: Shitoryu Karate Manitoba & Bushido-Kai, Sensei Angelo Mendoza March 23rd and 24th, … Continue reading

Karate Technical Seminars in Kosovo

Kosovo Karate Seminar with Sensei Tanzadeh Shitoryu Karate 8th Dan, Kyoshi

Karate Technical Seminars in KosovoOpen for all karate styles Conducted by Kyoshi Tanzadeh, 8th Dan 22nd and 23rd of June, 2019 in Kosovo, Ferizaj hosted by Kastrioti Karate Club, Sensei Raif MusaApproved Supported by Kosovo Karate Federation

Shitoryu Karate Technical Workshop

Kyoshi A.Tanzadeh Shitoryu Karate 8th Dan technical seminar

Shitoryu Karate Canada presentsShitoryu KarateKihon, Kata, Kumite and Bunaki WorkshopHosted by Shitoryu Karatedo and Fitness CentreSensei Nasir UddinFebruary 1st, 2019 – 6:30pm to 8:30pmLocation:1200 Aerowood Drive, Unit 12AMississauga, Ontario L4W 2S7