A version of sanchin used in Matsumura ha Seisan. This stance is longer than Sanchin-dachi, (one foot longer) but retains the same tension and inward rotation of the knees. It is the basis of the kata Matsumura ha Seisan. Seisan-dachi … Continue reading
Soe Ashi-Dachi 添え足
Soe Ashi-Dachi 添え足立ち (Supported Leg Stance) Both feet are parallel together and back foot is on the toes. Back leg is supporting front leg by touching inner thigh. This stance appears in Papuren Kata.
Karate Technical Seminars in Kosovo
Karate Technical Seminars in KosovoOpen for all karate styles Conducted by Kyoshi Tanzadeh, 8th Dan 22nd and 23rd of June, 2019 in Kosovo, Ferizaj hosted by Kastrioti Karate Club, Sensei Raif MusaApproved Supported by Kosovo Karate Federation
Shitoryu Kihon – Chudan Shuto Uke
Chudan Shuto Uke = Middle Knife Hand Block, proper body, arms, hands and thumb positioning. From the book “Dynamic Shitoryu Karate” by A. Tanzadeh http://dynamicshitoryukarate.com/
Shitoryu Karate ‘Mawashi Uke’
How to do Shitoryu Karate ‘Mawashi Uke’. Performing by Kyoshi Tanzadeh.
The students don’t care how much you know until you know how much you care about them.
Les étudiants ne se soucient pas de savoir ce que vous savez, jusqu’à ce qu’ils sachent combien vous vous souciez d’eux. 生徒達は君がどれほど気にしているか知るまで君がどれだけ知っているか気にしていない.Students don’t care what you know, until they know how much you care about them.
“Until the very end, one needs action and momentum in order to almost reach perfection”. ~A.Tanzadeh
Practice Like you’ve never WON. Perform Like you’ve never LOST.
Practice Like you’ve never WON. Perform Like you’ve never LOST.~ Bernard F. Asuncion
Discipline of Kenwa Mabuni expressing the joy of dedicated training;
Discipline of Kenwa Mabuni expressing the joy ofdedicated training: “Forgetting mundane things when striving for the martial isle — paddling is joy.” ~Kenwa Mabuni
Yakusoku Kumite of Heian Godan – Hokei Kumite Gohonme
Hokei Kumite ”Yakusoku Kumite of Heian Katas”Master Mabuni was a pioneer and his thinking, years ahead of his contemporaries. His systemization of Karate was well planned and well executed and designed to make it available to general public were preserving … Continue reading
Yakusoku Kumite of Heian Yondan – Hokei Kumite Yonhonme
Hokei Kumite ”Yakusoku Kumite of Heian Katas”Master Mabuni was a pioneer and his thinking, years ahead of his contemporaries. His systemization of Karate was well planned and well executed and designed to make it available to general public were preserving … Continue reading
Yakusoku Kumite of Heian Sandan – Hokei Kumite Sanbonme
Hokei Kumite ”Yakusoku Kumite of Heian Katas”Master Mabuni was a pioneer and his thinking, years ahead of his contemporaries. His systemization of Karate was well planned and well executed and designed to make it available to general public were preserving … Continue reading
Yakusoku Kumite of Heian Nidan – Hokei Kumite Nihonme
Hokei Kumite ”Yakusoku Kumite of Heian Katas”Master Mabuni was a pioneer and his thinking, years ahead of his contemporaries. His systemization of Karate was well planned and well executed and designed to make it available to general public were preserving … Continue reading
Yakusoku Kumite of Heian Shodan – Hokei Kumite – Ipponme
Hokei Kumite ”Yakusoku Kumite of Heian Katas”Master Mabuni was a pioneer and his thinking, years ahead of his contemporaries. His systemization of Karate was well planned and well executed and designed to make it available to general public were preserving … Continue reading
Shitoryu Karate Canada Black Belts & Directors Meetings & Technical Seminars, 2016
EXCLUSIVELY FOR SHITORYU KARATE CANADA MEMBERS! Shitoryu Karate Canada presents Shitoryu Karate Canada Black Belts & Directors Meetings & Technical Seminars Saturday, March 19th, 2016 “Itosu Wanshu” & “ Tomari Wanshu” Analysis and applications of both versions Sunday, March 20th, … Continue reading