Official Webpage of A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi 糸東会


Technical Seminars in Dominican Republic

Shitoryu Karate Technical Seminars,Sonoba Renzoku Kihon & Seipai in detailsConducted by A.Tanzadeh, Kyoshi, 8th DanExclusively for the members of Dominican Republic ShitokaiSunday, June 27th, 2021

Technical Seminar in Spain

Online Technical SeminarJuly 18th , 2021Catalonia, SpainConducted by A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi

Karate (空手)

Karate (空手); Japanese pronunciation: [kaɾate] is a martial art developed in the Ryukyu Kingdom. It developed from the indigenous Ryukyuan martial arts (called te (手), “hand”; tii in Okinawan) under the influence of Chinese Martial Arts…

Naihanchi & Sanchin

Naifanchi & Sanchin, a hybrid of Feesa フェーサ(Speed) and Atifa アティファ (Destructive force).

Advanced Tournaments Katas for Quebec Shitoryu

Shitoryu Karate Canada presents Technical Seminar on Advanced Tournaments Katas May 30th , 2021 Exclusively for the Elite Athletes of Shitoryu Karate Quebec Conducted by A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi For more information please contact Shihan Claude Larouche

Advanced tournaments katas

Belarus Adamant Club presentsTechnical Seminars on Advanced tournaments Katas May 2nd, 2021Conducted by A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, KyoshiExclusively for Adamant Club members.

Gojushiho Kata, Fundamentals and Kaisetsu

Online Technical Seminar presented by Belgium Shitokai Contacted by A. Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi May 23rd, 2021Gojushiho Kata, Fundamentals and Kaisetsu Exclusively for Belgium Shitokai Instructors

Analysis (Kaisetsu) of Itosu no ROHAI katas

Technical Seminars Analysis (Kaisetsu) of Itosu no ROHAI katas Conducted by A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi Presented by Mabuni Shitoryu Karatedo Portugal May 16th, 2021 Exclusively for the instructors of MSK

Technical Seminar, Shitoryu Karate Nova Scotia

Shitoryu Karate Canada presents Technical Seminar March 21st , 2021 Exclusively for the members of Shitoryu Karate Nova Scotia Conducted by A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi Hosted and assisted by Shihan David Griffin

Technical Seminar, Shitoryu Karate Quebec

Shitoryu Karate Canada presents Technical Seminar April 25th , 2021 Exclusively for the directors of Shitoryu Karate Quebec (SKQ) Conducted by A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi Hosted and assisted by Shihan Claude Larouche 7th Dan

Yo Ryu Bi

Everything should be practical with flowing and also being utilized with an elegance. When it comes to training any Kata practical applications as a tool of spontaneous and natural practicing in a prearranged sequences of attacks and defenses meant to … Continue reading

Bassai Dai & Seisan Seminar

Domincan Repbulic Shitokai presents; Technical Seminars of Itosu Bassai Dai and Higaonna ha Seisanconducted by A. Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, KyoshiSunday March 7th, 2021Exclusively for Shitokai Dominicana members.

Sonoba Kihon – Seipai Kata

Online Technical Seminar presented by Belgium Shitokai Contacted by A. Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi April 4th, 2021 Kihon: Sonoba Kihon & Ido Kihon Kata: Seipai Exclusively for Belgium Shitokai Instructors

All Japan Shitokai Examinations Result

All Japan Karatedo Federation “Shitokai”, High rank examination in 2018 30th All Japan Karatedo Federation Shitokai high ranking (6,7,8 Dan and Shogo) Examination results. November 3rd, 2018. Kobe, Japan

Chikara o saidai ni hakki seyo

Make your strength maximum – Maximize your power From the Shitoryu’s training knowledge of the mind and spirit “Shuren no Kokoroe”. By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni

Kihon o wasureru na

Remember the basics – Don’t forget training fundamentals From the Shitoryu’s training knowledge of the mind and spirit “Shuren no Kokoroe”. By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni

Manshin suru na jishin o mote

Don’t be arrogant but have self-confidence From the Shitoryu’s training knowledge of the mind and spirit “Shuren no Kokoroe” By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni

Proper positioning of the arms in Morote Zuki

Morote Zuki in Zenkutsu Dachi, one hand punching Jodan Gyaku Zuki and other hand punching Ura Zuki. Both fists are in one line and Jodan Zuki is leveled with your forehead. Morote Zuki appears in Katas like Bassai Dai, Itosu … Continue reading

Combination Techniques with backward Hineri Ashi

Renzoku Ido Kihon, Moving Combination Basic Techniques with backward Hineri Ashi Start with Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi doing Hidari Gedan Barai, stepping forward and landing on right Zenkutsu Dachi (or Han-Zenkutsu Dachi) execute Jodan Oi Zuki followed by Chudan Gyaku Zuki, … Continue reading