World Shitoryu Karate Federation (WSKF) Affiliation Certificate for Shitoryu Karate Canada (SKC) leading and Directing by Sensei Tanzadeh
World Shitoryu Karate Federation (WSKF) Affiliation Certificate for Shitoryu Karate Canada (SKC) leading and Directing by Sensei Tanzadeh
World Shitoryu Karate Federation, Kata and Technical Seminars at Tokyo Budokan, March 2019
A letter of appreciation from the World Shitoryu Karate Federation signed and authorized by Soke Kenei Mabuni and Kaicho Ken Sakio. Tokyo 2000
3rd Place in Individual Kata at the 1st World Shitoryu Karate Championships, Tokyo, Japan 1993. Signed and authorized by Kaicho Ken Sakio
World Shitoryu Karate Federation Kata and Technical Seminar. Tokyo, Japan 2000
World Shitoryu Karate Fedration (WSKF), Certificate of Kata Seminar, September 2013, Tokyo, Japan
Participation at the 3rd World shitoryu Karate Championships. Tokyo 2000
World Shitoryu Karate Federation, Certificate of Renshi title. 2007
World Shitoryu Karate Federation (WSKF), Certificate of Shihan rank. 2004
World Shitoryu Karate Federation Technical Seminar at the 1st World Shitoryu Karate Championships, Tokyo Japan 1993
World Shitoryu Karate Federation Referee A. Tokyo 2000
the 1st World Shitoryu Karate Championships, Tokyo 1993. Referee A. Authorized and signed by Soke Kenei Mabuni and Kaicho Manzo Iwata
The 7th Shitoryu Karatedo World ChampionshipsJapan, 15-16 September 2013The 20th anniversary of World Shitoryu Karatedo Federation
Wish you good health and long life Presented to Sensei A.Tanzadeh, Technical AdvisorAsia Pacific Shitoryu Karatedo FederationbyClement De Zoysapresident Shitokai Sri Lanka 7th Shitoryu Karatedo World Championships 2013 Japan
The 17th Shitoryu Karate Pan-American ChampionshipsMiami Beach, USA 2015Presented to: Renshi Allen TanzadehThank you for your leadership and dedication to the growth and development of the Pan-American Shitoryu Karate Federation
TestimonialA.TanzadehThank you for your great cooperation and support of “The 5th Shitoryu Karatedo World Championships.”We would like to show our deep appreciation to all your remarkable contributions.September 2006 in Tokyo signed and sealed by the World Shitoryu Karatedo FederationSoke Kenei … Continue reading
The 30th All Japan Karatedo Fedration, Shitokai high ranking (6th Dan, 7th Dan and 8th Dan and Shogo) examinations results. November 3rd, 2018, Kobe, Japan.