“Shoshin Shogai” quoted by Master Manzo Iwata, means maintaining the purity of heart throughout life. This also can be expressed as “to learn Karate, first show your mind and heart to be honest and pure, clean and gentle and be … Continue reading
“Shoshin Shogai” quoted by Master Manzo Iwata, means maintaining the purity of heart throughout life. This also can be expressed as “to learn Karate, first show your mind and heart to be honest and pure, clean and gentle and be … Continue reading
Make your strength maximum – Maximize your power From the Shitoryu’s training knowledge of the mind and spirit “Shuren no Kokoroe”. By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni
Remember the basics – Don’t forget training fundamentals From the Shitoryu’s training knowledge of the mind and spirit “Shuren no Kokoroe”. By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni
Don’t be arrogant but have self-confidence From the Shitoryu’s training knowledge of the mind and spirit “Shuren no Kokoroe” By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni
Rely on yourself From the Shitoryu’s training knowledge of the mind and spirit “Shuren no Kokoroe” By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni
Quick action – Fast movement From the Shitoryu’s training knowledge of the mind and spirit “Shuren no Kokoroe” By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni
Correct posture and right attitude From the Shitoryu’s training knowledge of the mind and spirit “Shuren no Kokoroe” By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni
Always remain in training From the Shitoryu’s training knowledge of the mind and spirit“Shuren no Kokoroe” By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni
Master Mabuni insisted that the system of Yo Ryu Bi applied. That is technique should be useful (Yo), and have flowing rhythm of movement (Ryu), and from the combination should come (Bi) or beauty. Everything should be practical but have … Continue reading
Karate spirit is arranged by body action and moved by hand.
The training knowledge of the Mind and the Spirit Hitotsu- Kihon o wasureru naHitotsu- Shisei o tadashiku seyoHitotsu- Dosa wa jinsoku ni seyoHitotsu- Chikara o saidai ni hakki seyoHitotsu- Manshin suru na jishin o moteHitotsu- Renma o tayasunaHitotsu- Jibun de … Continue reading
Five practices of learning Hitotsu- Kokoro gamae no kotoHitotsu- Ashibumi no kotoHitotsu- Maii no kotoHitotsu- Tenshin no kotoHitotso- Henka no koto One- State of readiness. Mind readyOne- Stance. Stability comes from a strong stance and proper steps.One- Distance. Maintain the … Continue reading
Three weaknesses or vulnerabilities in Martial Arts hitotsu-Girohitotsu-Ketaihitotsu-Manshin One- Doubt or SkepticismOne- NegligenceOne- Egotism
Shitoryu’s Five-way spirit Hitotsu- Ishi. Shoshin wasureru nakare.Hitotsu- Do toku. Reigi otokaru nakare.Hitotsu- Htten. Doryoku okataru nakare.Hitotsu. Jo shiki. Jo shiki kakeru nakare.Hitotsu- Heiwa. Wa midasu nakare. One- Determination. Never forget the spirit of first beginning.One- Morality. Never neglect courtesy … Continue reading
Renma o Tayasuna Always remain in training. From the Shitoryu’s training knowledge of the mind and spirit “Shuren no Kokoroe” By Ryuso Kenwa Mabun
Subjects being used in the technical seminars By A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi Shitoryu no Shinzui (essence of Shitoryu Karate) “Sen” Initiatives (timing strategies in Kumite) Karate Kinematics & Kinetics (biomechanical analysis of karate techniques) Tanzadeh Agility Test (speed and agility … Continue reading
Keiko, Renshu, Shuren and Tanren Keiko 稽古 Keiko is an everyday, straightforward word, usually translated into English as: practice; practising; training; study. 稽 means think, consider, and 古 means old. According to the kanji dictionary, 古 is a little picture of a skull wearing a diadem. It … Continue reading
Five principles of defense (“Uke no go gensoku”) Five principles of offense (“Seme no go gensoku”) Hangeki vs Denko Hangeki = Blocking & Countering or Simultaneous Block & Counter Strike. Denko = Sudden counterattack at the beginning of your opponent’s … Continue reading