The Rohai (鷺牌) originated from the Tomari-te school of Okinawan martial arts. It was called Matsumora Rohai, after Kosaku Matsumora, who was presumably its inventor. Master Itosu later took this kata and developed three kata from it: Rohai shodan, Rohai … Continue reading
Jitte (十手) Kata
Jitte or Jutte ‘十手’a kata used in Shitoryu, beginning with the characteristic kamae of the left hand covering the right, which apparently has roots in ancient Chinese boxing. Their origin is thought to be from the Shuri-Te School of Master … Continue reading
Heian (平安) Kata “Heian Sandan”
Heian or “Pin-an” Way of peace (literally, “Great Peace”, sometimes translated as “Calm Mind”, “Peaceful Mind”). The Heian kata series was introduced into the Okinawan School District karate program as gym training from 1905 to 1907 by Master Ankoh Itosu. … Continue reading
Bassai Sho (拔 塞 小) Kata
Heian or “Pin-an” Way of peace (literally, “Great Peace”, sometimes translated as “Calm Mind”, “Peaceful Mind”). The Heian kata series was introduced into the Okinawan School District karate program as gym training from 1905 to 1907 by Master Ankoh Itosu. … Continue reading
Heian (平安) Kata “Heian Yondan”
Heian or “Pin-an” Way of peace (literally, “Great Peace”, sometimes translated as “Calm Mind”, “Peaceful Mind”). The Heian kata series was introduced into the Okinawan School District karate program as gym training from 1905 to 1907 by Master Ankoh Itosu. … Continue reading
Heian (平安) Kata “Heian Godan”
Heian or “Pin-an” Way of peace (literally, “Great Peace”, sometimes translated as “Calm Mind”, “Peaceful Mind”). The Heian kata series was introduced into the Okinawan School District karate program as gym training from 1905 to 1907 by Master Ankoh Itosu. … Continue reading
Renzoku Ido Kihon = Combination Moving Basic Techniques
Block, Kick and Punch combination – moving forward; Do chudan Yoko Uke in Migi Neko Ashi Dachi with your right arm, then kick (Jodan Mawashi Geri) to the front with left leg then land on Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi, punch Migi … Continue reading
Kosokun (公相君) ‘Sho’ Kata
Kosokun (公相君) also called Kushanku, is a kata from Shuri-te system. There are different versions of this kata which practices in Shitoryu Karate: Kosokun –Sho, Kosokun-Dai, Shiho-Kosokun and a version of Master Yara from village of Chatan (Called Chatan Yara Kushanku). The … Continue reading
Renzoku Kihon = Combination Basic Techniques
Block & PunchCombination (ChudanYokoUke, ChudanGyakuZuki); Do HidariChudanYokoUke on HidariNekoAshiDachi with your left arm, then shift your left foot to HidraiZenkutsuDachi and punch (MigiChudanGyakuZuki) with your right hand. Move your left foot back (shift back) to HidariNekoAshiDachi and block again and … Continue reading
Mawashi Geri “Roundhouse Kick”
Certainly the mawashi geri (round kick or round-house kick) is a difficult kick and many karate-ka do it rather poorly. You can perform and practice Mawashi Geri from any stance. Bring the knee of the kicking leg up to side … Continue reading
Gojushiho (五十四歩) Kata
Gojushiho (五十四歩 lit. 54 steps “also called Useshi”) is a kata practiced in Shitoryu and represents of Shur-te system of Master Anko Itusu. It consists of many advanced open-handed techniques and attacks. Due to its difficulty, this kata is often reserved for advanced students, usually for … Continue reading
Shitoryu Kihon – Chudan Shuto Uke
Chudan Shuto Uke = Middle Knife Hand Block, proper body, arms, hands and thumb positioning. From the book “Dynamic Shitoryu Karate” by A. Tanzadeh
Renzoku Kihon = Combination Basic Techniques
Shitoryu Karate Renzoku Kihon = Combination Basic Techniques Do left Chudan Shuto Uke on left Neko Ashi Dachi then kick with your front leg “left Chudan Mae Geri” then land your kicking leg forward on Hidari Zenkutsu Dachi, do right … Continue reading
Shinpa (シンパー 心破・新破・侵破) Kata
Shinpa (シンパー 心破・新破・侵破) 心 = Shin. Heart, mind, intention, center, core. 新 = Shin. New. 侵 = Shin. To invade, raid, trespass, encroach, approach. 破 = Ha. To break, split or cleave, to get rid of, to destroy, to defeat. … Continue reading
Naihanchi (ナイハンチ) Kata ‘Nidan’ & ‘Sandan’
Naihanchi (ナイハンチ) performed in Naihanchi-Dachi It translates to ‘Internal Divided Conflict‘ or “Inner Tension Stance”. There are three modern kata derived from this (Shodan, Nidan and Sandan). Some researchers believe Nidan and Sandan were created by Master Anko Itosu, but … Continue reading
Ura Mawashi Geri
Ura Mawashi Geri (inside roundhouse kick or hook kick)This is almost like Mawashi geri but the difference is the path which is inverted. Bring your knee up close to your body and open the knee and at the same time … Continue reading
Shiho Zuki «Punching in four directions»
This is part of preparation for the beginners for actual kata. Shiho means 4 directions. The purpose of training Shiho Zuki is that the beginners understand the concept of Mawari Ashi or turning. Basically there are 2 ways of turning, … Continue reading
Annanko (安南光) Kata
Annanko (安南光), ‘Peace from the South’ is a kata from Tomari-te system. Its history in Okinawan Karate is relatively short in comparison to other kata as it was composed and created by Master Chotoku Kyan. Its meaning is “Light from … Continue reading