Shitoryu Karate Canada presents Technical Seminar March 21st , 2021 Exclusively for the members of Shitoryu Karate Nova Scotia Conducted by A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi Hosted and assisted by Shihan David Griffin
Shitoryu Karate Canada presents Technical Seminar March 21st , 2021 Exclusively for the members of Shitoryu Karate Nova Scotia Conducted by A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi Hosted and assisted by Shihan David Griffin
Shitoryu Karate Canada presents Technical Seminar April 25th , 2021 Exclusively for the directors of Shitoryu Karate Quebec (SKQ) Conducted by A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi Hosted and assisted by Shihan Claude Larouche 7th Dan
Heijutsu no Sanbyo Shitotsu – Giro 1- Doubt or Skepticism Shitotsu – Ketai 2- Negligence Shitotsu – Manshin 3- Egotism, selfishness From the three weaknesses or vulnerabilities in Martial Arts “Heijutsu no Sanbyo” By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni
武道の4つの原則Budo no 4 gensoku From the Shitoryu Karatedo philosophies by Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni.4 Elements of Martial Arts 1- Ichi Gan: Vision or eye contact (eyes), footwork (legs), mind (spirit), and strength (muscles) are the four essential elements of martial arts. … Continue reading
Everything should be practical with flowing and also being utilized with an elegance. When it comes to training any Kata practical applications as a tool of spontaneous and natural practicing in a prearranged sequences of attacks and defenses meant to … Continue reading
Domincan Repbulic Shitokai presents; Technical Seminars of Itosu Bassai Dai and Higaonna ha Seisanconducted by A. Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, KyoshiSunday March 7th, 2021Exclusively for Shitokai Dominicana members.
State of readiness. Mind ready. From the Shitoryu’s Five Practices of Learning “Go Shu Go Kaku”. By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni
Stance. Stability comes from a strong stance and proper steps. From the Shitoryu’s Five Practices of Learning “Go Shu Go Kaku”. By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni
Distance. Maintain the proper distance accordingly while you facing your opponent. From the Shitoryu’s Five Practices of Learning “Go Shu Go Kaku”. By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni
Shifting body. React to your opponent’s attack by shifting your body in different angles. From the Shitoryu’s Five Practices of Learning “Go Shu Go Kaku”. By Ryuso Kenwa Mabuni
Variations. A – Instead of launching a direct attack, you have to surprise your opponent by varying your attack and movement. B – Be prepared for any variations and possibilities of different movements and attacks may come from your opponent. … Continue reading
Online Technical Seminar presented by Belgium Shitokai Contacted by A. Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi April 4th, 2021 Kihon: Sonoba Kihon & Ido Kihon Kata: Seipai Exclusively for Belgium Shitokai Instructors
All Japan Karatedo Federation “Shitokai”, High rank examination in 2018 30th All Japan Karatedo Federation Shitokai high ranking (6,7,8 Dan and Shogo) Examination results. November 3rd, 2018. Kobe, Japan
Technical Seminars Kata Naihanchi Shodan, Nidan and Sandan Conducted by A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi Presented by Mabuni Shitoryu Karatedo Portugal March 28th, 2021 Exclusively for the instructors of MSK