3rd Place in Individual Kata at the 1st World Shitoryu Karate Championships, Tokyo, Japan 1993. Signed and authorized by Kaicho Ken Sakio
3rd Place in Individual Kata at the 1st World Shitoryu Karate Championships, Tokyo, Japan 1993. Signed and authorized by Kaicho Ken Sakio
World Shitoryu Karate Federation Kata and Technical Seminar. Tokyo, Japan 2000
World Shitoryu Karate Fedration (WSKF), Certificate of Kata Seminar, September 2013, Tokyo, Japan
Participation at the 3rd World shitoryu Karate Championships. Tokyo 2000
World Shitoryu Karate Federation, Certificate of Renshi title. 2007
World Shitoryu Karate Federation (WSKF), Certificate of Shihan rank. 2004
World Shitoryu Karate Federation Technical Seminar at the 1st World Shitoryu Karate Championships, Tokyo Japan 1993
World Shitoryu Karate Federation Referee A. Tokyo 2000
Certificate of instructor “Shidosha”, Jokyo level of All Japan Karate Federation Shitokai. Authorized and signed by Kaicho Manzo Iwata. 1992.
Shitoryu Karate Technical Seminars in Russia Hosted by Tatsujin Dojo, Sensei Garmaev, April, 2020Conducted by Sensei A.Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi for more information please send your email to shito-ryu@mail.ru
Shitoryu Karate Canada Presents: Shitoryu Karatedo Shinzui “Essentials and Core of Shitoryu Karatedo“Saturday, May 18th, 2019Conducted by Sensei Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, KyoshiHosted by Shihan Claude Larouche, Technical Director of Shitoryu Karate Quebec and Co-Founder of Shitoryu Karate Canada.
Shitoryu Karate Canada presents; Shitoryu Karate Quebec Dan Examinations (Quebec region) Conducted by Sensei Tanzadeh, 8th Dan, Kyoshi & Co-Examiner Shihan Claude Larouche 7th Dan.May 17th , 2019. Hosted by Shitoryu Karate Quebec, Shihan Claude Larouche.Location: Shitoryu Karate Quebec Honbu … Continue reading
The 30th All Japan Karatedo Fedration, Shitokai high ranking (6th Dan, 7th Dan and 8th Dan and Shogo) examinations results. November 3rd, 2018, Kobe, Japan.
Shitoryu Karate Canada presents Shitoryu Karate WorkshopHosted by Shitoryu Karatedo and Fitness CentreSensei Nasir UddinFebruary 27th 2019 – 6:30pm to 8:30pmLocation:1200 Aerowood Drive, Unit 12AMississauga, Ontario L4W 2S7
Zawan-Dachi 座湾立ち (Wide- Seated Crossed Leg Stance) This stance only appears at the begining of the “Papuren” Kata. It looks like Kosa Dachi so the legs are crossed but wider. Keep your body and hip in Shomen position. Back foot … Continue reading
Technical SeminarConducted by Sensei TanzadehOpen for all Karate stylesKosovo, Ferizaj – July 21-22, 2018 Hosted by Kastriti Karate Club Sensei Raif Musa Approved by Kosovo Karate Federation
Japanese Terms for Body Parts and Sections – Front View by Kyoshi Tanzadeh
Heian or “Pin-an” Way of peace (literally, “Great Peace”, sometimes translated as “Calm Mind”, “Peaceful Mind”). The Heian kata series was introduced into the Okinawan School District karate program as gym training from 1905 to 1907 by Master Ankoh Itosu. … Continue reading